

Dear Students and Colleagues,

On Wednesday, April 10th, at 2:10pm, Dr. Darryl Sterk 石岱崙 of Lingnan University in Hong Kong will be giving an online talk. Darryl is most famous for being the English translator of 吳明益 Wu Ming-yi's novels, but he is also a scholar of Indigenous film and literature in Taiwan. He recently wrote a book about the translation of the screenplay for the movie Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale 賽德克·巴萊 from Mandarin into Seediq and will be speaking to my class about this book. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please note that the talk will be in English, but the Q&A will be bilingual.

Please note that, though the talk will be online, it will only be available to those physically present in the classroom at that time and will not be recorded.


Dr. Darryl Sterk石岱崙改由線上演講,將於4/10(三)下午2:10開始,以下是演講的Google Meet連結,全程演講將以英文進行。


